Thursday, December 10, 2009
The two assignments that were my favorite are the Paulo Freire assignment in week 4 and the book that I read called, “Train Go Sorry” in week 14. I enjoyed researching Freire because I never heard of him or knew the things he did to help out the people in poverty. It was interesting to find out how he became the icon of social changes throughout education and how he was familiar with the Great Depression which helped him shape his concerns for the poor and construct his particular educational viewpoint. I was impressed that he actually took into account to work with the illiterate poor to improve their learning , training and education because most researchers tend to leave out the poor and focus on middle class or the rich from what I have seen and heard. I think it is important for people to read and understand the books he wrote, especially the book,” pedagogy of the oppressed”, so they can better approach life challenges and emphasize education as a culture and freedom like he explains in this book. I feel that young people learn through the world they live in and life’s every day issues and being able to approach it in a positive way will encourage kids to continue and enjoy learning. Freire’s system of learning provides this by teaching and encouraging one to pursue there passion, explore issues with friends, and to experience satisfaction by being able to navigate through complex ideas and problem solving by creating a joyful environment. I learned that Freire made a difference in a lot of people’s life by giving them the opportunity to learn and pull forward in life and with this knowledge I can pass it on to others so they can apply it to there advantage.
The second assignment that I liked was reading the book, “Train Go Sorry”. I enjoyed reading this book a lot because even though I knew that deaf people exists I never knew how hard it is for them or how talented they can be if they applied themselves. It is amazing how they can accomplish anything that a hearing person can do but hear. I really enjoyed watching those introduction videos that you assigned to watch in week 13. I never seen deaf people sing or dance, I thought it would be difficult since one needs to follow the rhythm of the song to keep on track with it. I liked how the book tells the story from a personal view instead of research which made the book more interesting to read. By reading this book I now can understand a little bit more about the deaf culture and deaf people. I learned that they too have sub-groups and like any other hearing person they learn at different speeds and in different ways. Now I will be able to understand and approach deaf people without judging or criticizing them.
By taking this class I have learned to appreciate my cultural heritage and communicate my ideas a little more. I also learned about art, music, dance, theatre, history, and other cultures. Humanities have opened up my perception by exploring human creativity and communication. Being able to review classmates work also helped because it is another point of view that may not have been mentioned or otherwise thought of about life’s aspects.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Week 16
Articulate the ways in which the study of Humanities provides diverse ways of understanding human thought, creativity, and aesthetics in a global and/or historical context."
How did you accomplish this as a student in this class?
I accomplished this as a student in this class by learning about the differences and similarities of humanities and people’s diverse perspectives in life like in the book, My California and by reading my classmates response to the same content so I could better understand the material or things that I missed while doing the assignments. Also, I learned about different cultures, especially the deaf culture. I really enjoyed this topic because I learned not only about the culture itself but some historical facts about sign language by reading the book, Train Go Sorry. This was also accomplished by watching videos from Obama regarding cultures and nations. Also by watching a video of Oprah’s inspiring stories of life's challenges at a commencement ceremony at Duke University. Then there was the research on Freire’s pedagogy which was very insightful. I enjoyed learning about Freire’s learning techniques and how he helped people in poverty.
2. The course catalog student learning outcome #2 for this class states: "Demonstrate an increased ability to critically interpret and evaluate art forms and ideas from diverse cultures and historical periods (i.e. visual art, architecture, literature, philosophy, film, music, dance and theater)."
How did you accomplish this as a student in this class?
I accomplished this by doing research on topics like Freire, doing online field trips to art museums, evaluating classmates work, and viewing various websites and videos. This helped me learn about diverse cultures and historical periods. For the online field trip I choose Museo de Arte de Ponce. Here I learned about that Madonna and child that was depicting Virgin Mary holding her son Jesus. I also learned about laces from the second online field trip to the museum called, Lace Museum and Guild. I never knew there were so many laces and that there was a whole library on it. I also learned a little about deaf culture through Train Go Sorry. About the different sub-groups of deaf people like some can lip read, do sign language, and even speak. What I found interesting was that not all deaf people do all of these, they choose what they want to learn and what not. Also that they are capable of doing everything that a hearing person can do but hear. They can sing, dance, and do every day task like any other hearing person.
3. The course catalog student learning outcome #3 for this class states: "Demonstrate how understanding the humanities can enhance our own creativity and our appreciation of our own and other cultures."How did you accomplish this as a student in this class?
This will help me understand that there are different cultures in this world and not be so judgmental towards other cultures or others who seem different from me, such as the deaf people. It also helped me realized that deafness is not a disability it is a culture, the deaf culture. It also gave me some knowledge of history such as the art museums I visited, the video I watched from Obama and Oprah about challenging situation is this world and the historical research I did on Latin American Independence where I learned a little about the independence movement. This way can relate its information to other subject in the future. Listening to Obama’s speech made me aware of the world’s cultural differences and that not taking the time to understand it, keeps us from appreciating each other as a whole and keeps us from melting the pot. This way we are viewing others as different and this will just add to the conflicts in life instead of bettering the situation. It has also encouraged me to want to learn sign language in the near future.
4. List 10 of your classmates from the previous assignment re Train Go Sorry. Tell us one thing you learned from each of these 10 classmates re the book or personal experience or opinion.
1) Alex- I learned that the deaf consider themselves as a minority group.
2) Stephen- I learned that deafness is not a disease.
3) Antonio – I learned deaf people have access to a vibrant and warm communication since they can’t hear.
4) Sophia- I learned that the image she won’t ever forget is Sofia’s bat mitzvah.
5) Araceli- I learned that most hearing people considered sign language to be primitive.
6) Megan- I learned that mainstreaming is a trend of incorporating deaf students with hearing people.
7) Dinlaka- I learned about deaf ethics, one should look at someone who is deaf when we speak to them, not exaggerate the movements of our mouths but make sure we speak clearly.
8) Judy- I learned that sign language is not as hard as most think, that it has a lot to do with body language.
9) Jessica- I learned ASL uses the whole body to communicate, not just the hands or the face.
10) Kyle- I learned that Lexington got its name from being on Lexington Ave.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Week 14- Train Go Sorry
I will be starting off this essay by addressing what “Train Go Sorry” means. In ASL this means missing the boat. This is a phrase that Cohen uses to explain and demonstrate the missed connections between the deaf and the hearing. The person that she is referring to in this story is James Taylor in chapter 12. She tells how James goes to visit his brother who is jail, who he has not visited for more than seven months since he got arrested. When James arrives and follows the process one goes through to visit an inmate, he winds up waiting hours before he is told that he is unable to visit his brother because he was in court and they redirects him back to the bus so he can leave. As mentioned on page 188, James understands what has happened in a single phrase: train go sorry. Some may also say train gone sorry or train go zoom, in any case it is the ASL equivalent of “you missed the boat.” Also mentioned on the same page, James life is a story of missed connections, the boat has set sail without him. She says this because he was unable to successfully visit his brother until the third try. James is a boy who comes from poverty and winds up in Lexington referred by his former school, St. Joseph School for the Deaf in the Bronx. He started at Lexington when he was fourteen years old and pre-freshmen. As she says in chapter 3, page 33, James missed 148 days his first year and when he did show he would be hungry, wore the same clothes and unable to concentrate. This worried the staff and they made a home visit only to see the situation that his mother was in and offered housing for him at Lexington, where he has progresses and will graduate.
The main person in the book is Leah Hager Cohen. She is a hearing person but was raised in a deaf culture due to her grandparents who were deaf. Her grandparents raised her father Oscar Cohen, who also is a hearing person, in a deaf setting at Lexington and he followed it. Leah Cohen longed deeply for a place among the deaf people. When she was born she was taken straight from the hospital to Lexington School for the Deaf, so as far as she was concerned her birthright was sealed, she thought she was bound to the deaf community. As she grew older she realized that this was not true, even though she rose in a deaf community she could never be considered as one of them and was restricted from belonging to that community. Leah Cohen walked in a deaf person shoes through many people her grandfather, her father, James, and Sofia. She did not feel privileged because she could hear; she felt this paled in comparison the privilege of being close and of sharing that common experience with the other children. This made her feel left out and seemed to her at the age of five that it was a mean gift. Like Leah mentions on page 11, the time that she felt most alienated as a student at Lexington was at story time. Kids pulling chairs up to the table, plugging in their hearing aids, receivers strapped around their chests and heads crowned with blue ear phones, the children leaned together, tightly connected, all joined to the same circuit. Leah felt that her ability to hear was not the only factor that set her apart from the deaf; she felt it was the fact that she spoke the teacher’s language. She even posed pebbles as hearing aids and put them in her ears and even learned ASL but this just made her realize how different she really was from them. For the deaf people their main thing at school was to learn English and this she already knew.
The image that I won’t ever forget was when James went to go visit his brother in jail, in chapter 12. How he had to take the bus to get to Rikers Island and once there waited for hours and then goes through this ridiculous process before they let you in. First you wait in this long line before you get to the counter to see if the inmate can receive a visitor. Then you sign in and after you wait some more before you are able to visit. After you go through metal detectors and going through all that, just so that they will let you through and let you visit an inmate they turn you away. I remember the first I went to a jail to visit a family member I felt scared and confused. I went through this long process to see if I was able to visit the person then to be told after all that, that this person can not have a visit due to who knows what reasons. Also like James the actual first time that I was able to accomplish the actual visit I was asked my age and given the cold shoulder by the guards. I was lead into a room where they seated you at a table and while I was waiting I took in the atmosphere. Everyone was watched by guards and if they got to close to each other the guard would walk over and separate them. At the end of the visit I was also glade not to be the one left there or the one who missed the boat.
Five things that everyone should know about ASL or deaf culture is 1) the states recommends that students be tested once every three years, but Lexington conducts hearing exams annually for students under the age of eight or every two years for older students. 2) There are implants that deaf people can get if they qualify approved by the FDA in 1990 for children between the ages of 2 and 7. During the implantation, the tiny hairs of the inner ear that normally activate the auditory nerve get torn and crushed. Once this happens the effects are irreversible, even if the device is removed. What ever little hearing might have existed will have been obliterated. So if the implant is unsuccessful than the child won’t ever be able to benefit from a regular hearing aid. 3) When linguist validated ASL as an authentic language 25 years ago, many schools for the deaf made efforts to incorporate signing into their curricula. They borrowed ASL signs and wind up inventing clumsy hybrids such as MCE, SEE, and PSE. 5) Lexington was founded by Hannah and Isaac Rosenfeld, a German Jewish couple. I also found interesting how big of a culture deaf people have and due to how fluent they can sign is how they get divide into their groups just like hearing people do. There are deaf people who can hear, not speak or sign but can lip read really well, some can speak, sign and hear, some can read lips well, not hear or speak but can sign, some can sign but not read lips or hear, there is a few I do not know them all but I found that interesting because I thought they were all people who could not hear and there way of communication was by signing. I guess like they say in the book the deaf can do anything that a hearing person does but hear.
Class Review:
1) Erin- would like to attend Gallaudet University if she had the opportunity.
2) Alex- thinks that Matlin is a remodel for a lot of deaf people.
3) Stephen- has a cousin who taught their daughter sign language when she was baby.
4) Catherine- wants to learn sign language by 2010.
5) Megan –thought the Indiana Visual Arts clip was inspiring.
6) Alexa- thought it was impressive that a one year old knew 30 signs and 20 words.
7) Daniel- thought the baby is an amazingly talented child.
8) Jessica-thought that the boys were very confident and in sync on stage in the clip sign language singers.
9) Mario-thought video 2 of dancing with the stars was interesting.
10) Kimmie- I learned that in video 3 Tyler West is an ISD student who won the t-shirt design contest.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Week 13
This video was of deaf people doing a musical art performance of the “Big River Montage”. It is interesting how they are able to communicate with the world through hand gestures.
2) Marlene Matlin
This interview was about a dance competition and they interviewed a dancing couple that was in the competition that made it to the next competition and Marlene who is one of the stars is deaf. It was confusing for me I really did not understand it to much.
3) Indiana Visual Arts Day
This video was about the activities that happen at the VSAI and ISD Day. This was a bi-lingual, bi-cultural themed arts activity through a community, based on the celebration of arts.
4) Waiting for the Arts to Change
The video was a musical about the deaf and how they had a hard to getting people to accept them due to their differences. They have deaf people doing sign language to the words of the song, “Waiting for the World to Change” and demonstrating that they are capable of doing everything that a hearing person can do except for being able to hear.
This video is about a deaf actor named Ashley Reuss. She is a deaf duke in “Firebird”. Reuss continues by telling that she enjoys being deaf and wishes everyone else could learn sign language because it is easy visually.
6) Sign Language Singers
This video was about three boys singing to a song in sign language and dancing to it. I think it was a cute video and it is interesting how they are into a hobby such as singing. I also found it interesting how they were so on que with the movements for not being able to hear.
7) A 1 year old Hearing Baby Signing
This was a video about a one year old baby doing sign language who is not deaf, with her mother. This mother is demonstrating that because a baby is taught how to speak sign language it does not mean that they will not learn how to talk. As she showed she was verbalizing all the words to her baby and the baby was able to speak as well as do sign language.
This is information on what MSSD has to offer for the kids who are deaf. The M stands for mission because they provide opportunities to help them through life. The S stands for scholarships; they have scholarships with universities like the one in Massachusetts that invited them to Utah and other internship programs. The other S stands for social; they have social programs to help them become in involved in life activities like playing sports and making new friends. The D stands for dreams, to help them work on the tools and skills they need to develop to go on to a successful career. This over all is a school for the deaf that give them opportunities to take their learning to a higher level and become what they want to be.
9) Tour of Gallaudet
This was a video of a tour of the University of Gallaudet. It showed placards of famous people and the infamous 6th avenue entrance referring to the 2006 BDPN protest. There was no sound but it was a nice tour.
10) The Forest
This is a 3D computerized man telling a story in sign language called The Forest. It is a story about how a man struggles looking for an expensive bird in the forest. When he finally finds it he then struggles on how he can catch it so that he can get the big reward for it.
Extra Credit
A) The is a free resource for teachers that can create accounts and quizzes for their students. They accept donations. The five words are cute, arrest, mom, dad, and police officer.
B) 1.American Sign Language has been taught to chimpanzees, gorillas, and other non-human primates as part of various research projects
2. Many parents also teach their infants American Sign Language to assist in communication before verbal skills are developed.
C) 1. Deaf power hit the World in 1988 at Gallaudet University, an event known as the "Deaf President Now” (DPN) Movement. This protest marked history and proves that Deaf Culture is Pride and that Pride is Power.
2. It is estimated that 9 out of 10 members of the American Deaf community marry other members of their cultural group and wish for a deaf child so that they may pass on their culture
Class Reviews:
1) Alex- I learned that Berkeley University of California is the oldest university systems.
2) Stephen- I learned that the American River is famous for its location of Sutter Mill’s, which started the California Gold Rush in the 1850s.
3) Alexa- I liked her bright and colorful picture of the beach board walk.
4) Sophia- I learned that Seal Beach became a popular recreation destination and featured a beach-side amusement park.
5) Antonio- I learned that the Big Sur contains the Post Ranch Hotel, which ranks number one in California.
6) Raquel – I learned the Big Sur is said to start from the Carmel River to the San Carpoforo Creek.
7) Araceli- I learned that Playland at the Beach was also known as Whitney’s Playland in 1928.
8) Megan- I learned that Seal Beach holds a sandcastle building contest every year.
9) Jessica- I learned that the Mavericks is where waves can reach 25 feet at its crest and over 50 feet at the top.
10) Kyle- I learned that Berkeley is known for its roles in the Civil Rights Movements and the Counter Culture Movement.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Week 12 - Newport Beach
I choose Newport Beach because it caught my interest to see what it looked like since Dumas in the story Bienvenidos a Newport Beach mentioned that it was a place where everyone thought that rich people only moved to.
Newport beach is in Orange County, California and is a thriving center for business innovation and home to companies making exciting advances in industries ranging from computer technology to real estate, biomedical science to apparel. Newport Beach is a medium-sized city of 70,000 year-round and 100,000 during the summer. They are only 14 miles from Disneyland, 20 miles south of Long Beach, 50 miles south of Los Angeles, and 64 miles west of Palm Springs. It is popular for its boating and you can find excellent shopping centers around Newport Beach and at Newport Center Fashion Island. There are also a number of fine restaurants. Newport Beach contains numerous communities that include Balboa Island, Balboa Peninsula, Cannery Village, Corona del Mar, Fashion Island, Lido Marina Village, Mariners Mile and Upper Newport Bay.
1) Alex- I learned that there is an island called Treasure Island that crosses the bridge from San Francisco to Oakland.
2) Alexa- I learned that Alexa also thought of the fairs that we have here when she read Cotton Candy Mirrors.
3) Valerie- I learned that Newport Beach was primarily an area for whites.
4) Sophia- I learned that Sophia has never visited Berkeley either.
5) Kyle- I learned that he got a nail stuck through his foot when he took a shortcut to his grandmother’s house.
6) Antonio- I learned that when he read Dumas story it reminded him of how long it had been since he has visited pool.
7) Judy- I learned that she has moved around a lot just like the author in Bienvenidos a Newport and also like me.
8) Erin- I learned that Berkeley has many different varieties of trees.
9) Mario- I learned that he use to live in a planned community and I am currently living In one now.
10) Jessica- I learned that she learned about Playland at the Beach when reading Cotton Candy Mirrors and so did I.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Week 11: Dumas, Major, Chabon, Goldmark
Bienvenidos A Newport Beach by Firoozeh Dumas
The author Dumas was remembering when she was eleven years old and her father came home one day and announced to his family that they were moving to Newport Beach. She was not too happy about this move because she was tried of moving from place to place, this being the eighth place. Though after thinking about the place she now lived in compared to the neighborhood she was going to move to, she did not mind as much because Newport Beach was considered a place where the rich people moved. Then she describes in detail how Newport Beach was different from the place that she lived in before. For her even though Newport Beach was a planned community and had a lot of rules especially for the swimming pool, which was where she spent most of her time at, more than anyone in the neighborhood, she enjoyed living their. At the end she comments that her parents still live their and that they have never lost their pool key.
I like the sentence, the uglier the car, the more the owner is willing to share it with the rest of the world. (91) This seems to true and funny.
While reading this sentence it made me laugh first of all and also think of how that statement seems to be true because I see that a lot but then again I think it is a money issue because if we were all able to afford a house with a garage or even have the money to buy a nice car this probably would not occur as much.
I learned that there is a place called Newport Beach were rich people live.
Cotton Candy Mirrors by Devorah Major
Devorah Major was recalling the summers when she was a child; how days when they had nickels and dimes they would cross town to spend the day at Playland at the Beach. One day fee back then was only thirty-five cents and another fifteen cents for a candy bar and a drink. She tells about all the rides they have at Playland and the scenery there. Then she goes into detail about her favorite ride which was the Fun House and this was her only reason for making the long cross city trip to Playland. She liked it because she did not have to wait in a long line and sometimes the ticket person would let one enter even if they were short a couple of cents. The importance of this was the hall of mirrors because this was where she first learned about mirrors and here was where she learned about holding on and letting go. Also not to take reflection seriously and to use others eyes as mirrors and only the eyes that are clear and shine with laughter and love.
I’ve learned to use the eyes of others as my mirrors. But only those people whose eyes are clear and shine with laughter. (102)
When I read this it made me think of how true it is. Eyes are really like mirrors you can tell ones expressions and feelings by looking at there eyes and you can also see your own self in another’s eyes if you look deep enough and pay close attention. When reading this story it made me think of the Fun Houses at the fairs and carnivals. When I was younger they use to be my favorite and I would waste practically all my tickets on it. I also spent a lot of time in the hall of mirrors but I did not learn as much as this reader did.
I learned that back then the fees were way cheaper than now.
Berkeley by Michael Chabon
Chabon who lives in Berkeley is telling a story about the things in this town that drives him crazy but as insane as it might be he loves living there. All the things that drive him crazy are the things that make that town worth knowing, putting up with, worth loving and working to preserve for him. Chabon feels that part of the charm of Berkeley is in her settings. The hills, bays, businesses’, house’s and trees but mainly the quality that lies ultimately in the citizenry; one’s neighbors, the people of Berkeley and this is why he can’t imagine living anywhere else.
If that statement has the ring of boosterism, then permit me to clarify my feelings on the subject of my adopted home; this town drives me crazy. (106)
When reading this chapter it reminded me of how I feel about Santa Rosa. It seems very similar to his, this town seems to have grown over night and now it is overcrowded to me. As well as the different people who live here, every corner you turn, you run into people of all types. Like he says all the things that drive me crazy about this town is what keeps me here. I had a chance to move to Fresno closer to my family and I even gave my thirty day notice to leave and for some reason I was not able go. I wind up asking for my place back and finding excuses why it was best for me to stay here.
I learned a little about how Berkeley setting are and how the town is and that there is a place called Key West.
California Honky-Tonk by Kathi Kamen Goldmark
Kathi tells about how her band begun and about her bands first biggest gig in San Pedro. She remembers how they were not as ready as they thought they were and that they still did not even have a name for there band. While they were on there way to the gig they passed by El Rancho Motel and the guitarist of the band decided that this would be the perfect name because the band was like a third rate romance and low-rent like a motel. Not knowing that her first gig would be at a biker bar until they all started to arrive was when it downed on her that all the songs they rehearsed were not to the taste of bikers; then Lonesome Ed remembered the lyrics he had written on a napkin to a most-requested tune played on a jukebox in Sinbad’s Saloon called, “Why Don’t We Get Drunk and Screw”. Then from there on she has been in many bands and played in many clubs; her favorite one that became her bands home base was DeMarco’s 23 Club in Brisbane. The owner at DeMarco’s became her best friend and helps her through thick and thin including with her son. She also mentions her experience that she had with a biker named Lobo at the gig she had in San Pedro.
All four hundred, shaved-headed pounds of scary bellowing biker yelling, “I’m drunk, let’s screw!” into my microphone, as he picked me up in one enormous muscled arm and started walking toward the door. (118)
When I read this story it made me think of the amateur bands that play at clubs probably including ones that I have gone to. Maybe someday they will become big and famous. It also makes me wonder what there story is and the bad experiences that probably had to go through just to get ahead in the music business.
I also did not know there was a tune called, “Why Don’t We Get Drunk and Screw”.
Dumas and Majors stories were about experiences near a beach. Chabon’s story was about how he felt about the town he lived in. Goldmark ‘s story was about her experiences she had with her band and bars. They are all experiences within California but in different places and times.
Alex- didn’t know that so many people died from the Caltrans.
2) Alexa- loves Hollywood and Seal Beach is not actually part of L.A.
3) Valerie- learned that when Caltrans workers would die on the job, they would put a white helmet by the road as a memorial.
4) Megan- learned of the three Hawaiian –blooded brothers that surfed in America for the first time in 1885.
5) Jared- said that Tobar’s story reminds him of his family trips to visit his cousins.
6) Araceli- Tobar’s story made her think of freeway 101 that she lives next to in Healdsburg.
7) Erin- learned that in Iraq people often drive north on southbound lanes and south on northbound lanes and speeds of 60 mph or more.
8) Jessica- Steinbeck’s story reminds her of the trip she took with her marine biology class to Ano Nuevo.
9) Judy- learned that California was known to be the home of Sasquatch.
10) Kyle- Warshaw’s story made him think of being in Canada for the first time at Whistler-Blackomb.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Week 10- Tobar, Steinbeck, Humes, Warshaw
Ode to CalTrans by Hector Tobar
In this story the authors remembers a dream he had about the Hollywood freeway that reminds him of the freeways when he was a child. He tells how he appreciates the freeways now and how they are similar to the Middle Eastern tribute to CalTrans. Also how the One-Ten is frightening to be on in the winter and that is why when his first two kids were born he did not take them. Then he tells about how he wonders if his mother passed the sense of owe to him when he was in his mothers belly because when she was in labor with him they were practically flying her to the hospital driving at fifty-five and slowing down to thirty-five and accelerating again.
The paragraph that I liked was the one on page 59, about when his mother was in labor with him.
This made me think about how dangerous the freeways can be due to crazy drivers and also reminded me of when I was in labor with my last child and how I drove myself to the hospital and if I passed any sense of emotion to her that I was feeling in those minutes it took me to get there.
I learned that Cal Tran placed signs with pictures of Cal Tran helmets on them to commemorate the workers who died and that they had to take them down because it was making the freeway look like a cemetery.
Montalvo, Myths and Dreams of Home by Thomas Steinbeck
Steinbeck is telling about his myths of California. He starts of with how the Spanish Romance took off and the bestsellers that that Garcia Montalvo wrote. Then he tells about The Big Sur and his memories of it. He ends in telling about The Dark Watchers that his grandmother believed in and she would leave a gift basket of fruit or candy for them when she would pass by and when she would return the same basket would have gift for her in exchange for their gratitude.
I like the sentence, just when you think you’ve got a handle on the newest fashion (exit stage right); the whole marvel instantly changes costume and reenters stage left. Page 66. This is so true and funny at the same time.
When reading this chapter it made me think of my history class and also about how life is about myths and some or more real than others and they affect how we look and take on life.
I learned that the Big Sur was the place that held the myth of the Sasquatch.
The Last Little Beach Town by Edward Humes
Humes tells a story about a town close to Seal Beach and how he remembers it being a place of paradise, not in need of money, and how once people find it they never want to leave. Also how it’s a shame that small towns get turned into money hungry, tourist place like Long Beach, Newport Beach, and Huntington Beach. He seen in a magazine that that’s what they are trying to do to this little town and that they are event trying to put parking meters on Main Street there.
I like the paragraph that says you can plaster your garage with a rainbow-hue seascape mural or paint your stucco walls flaming purple or erect a strangely long scale model of lighthouse on your front lawn and the taste police will not knock at your door here. Seal Beach is militantly untrendy. Page 71.
Reading this made me realize that our town is all about appearances like he describes in the book. Also how easy it is to miss something that is not right out looking at you in the face. It even made think about the beaches here and that maybe I should pay attention to the details and not just the appearance of it.
I never heard of Seal Beach and did not know it even existed. I also never knew that Laguna Beach is the most striking beautiful beach compared to the Pacific Coast, Huntington, and Newport.
Surfacing by Matt Warshaw
This chapter is a story about a sixteen year old boy named Moriarity, who liked to surf. He went to Maverick, a location never heard of until it came out in a magazine, to surf the biggest waves there is and winds up having an experience of his life. He describes how he and some others are storm trackers, so Moriarity finds out about these waves a day before and gets ready for it not realizing what he is in for. Warshaw goes into great detail about Moriarity's surf experience that you could practically see how it happens if you imagine it. Also how Half Moon Bay became a popular place for surfing.
I liked the sentence, then the whole ledged out and I had time to think, ‘Oh, shit. This is not good.’ Page 88.
This reminded me of the experience I had when I was first learning how to swim. How you go under water and it makes you wonder if you are going to reach the surface in time to catch your breath or are you going to drown. I can still feel it in my gut just thinking about it.
I did not know that Half Moon Bay is one of the most popular surfing places. Also that Edward, David, and Cupid Kawananakoa, were the first surfers in Santa Cruz and the first surfers in America.
The similarities are that Humes and Warshaw talk about Beaches and Tobar and Steinbeck talked about past experiences they mention a beach but do not go into detail about it or talk about an experience they had with it.
Reviews of Classmates’:
1) Antonio- learned that there is a Japanese ceremony in the American River that commemorates those that died in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
2) Catherine- Her mothers use to go fly-fishing in North Carolina.
3) Danielle- did not know it could snow in California in the dead summer.
4) Jared- When reading The Big Valley it made him think of when his family visited his cousins’, the Errotaberes, because they are farmers in the Central Valley.
5) Judy-learned that about seventy-five thousands Russians live in Sacramento.
6) Laurel- has a sister in Southern California.
7) Megan- had childhood vacations at Disneyland.
8) Sophia- Beverly Hills did not have any hospitals.
9) Valerie- learned that you can catch lizards when practicing fly-fishing.
10) Mario- also didn't know that fig orchards where in northwest Fresno.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Week 9- Arax, Liu, Parker, Mackey
1) The Big Valley by Mark Arax.
The author is telling a story about his life and where he grew up. Mark begins by telling us about an adventure he had when he was a boy and he wind up getting lost. The engine of his Lil Indian overheated and got stuck in the mud. He was surrounded by turkey vultures that looked hungry. Luckily his cousin was riding beside him and saved him. Then he starts talking about his grandfather who arrived when Forkner was still blasting holes to plant Calimyrna figs. Marks grandfather was a poet who found new land and a vineyard. Marks father grew up on the farm but left in 1950 to pursue a football scholarship at USC. By the time Mark was grown his father had ran a grocery and then a bar, so he was only able to see a vineyard in paintings. Mark goes into detail about how the fig orchard land changed to stores and fast-food restaurants. Then he starts talking about his journey to Tulare and goes into detail about cities and how they have changed. Then he talks about the Caterpillar and the big impact it had on the farmer’s soil. He ends it by talking about his father and how things could have been if he had stayed farming and how his father was murdered.
The sentence I liked was, Today, the fig orchards of northwest Fresno are gone, swallowed up by custom houses and tract houses, Wal-Marts and Targets, and so many fast-food chains that when McDonalds wants to launch a new product nationwide, it does its first test here. (19)
While reading that sentence it made me think of when I went to Fresno for Easter. His description is so true. There is a Wal-Mart and next to it is a Target and there are there were a lot of other businesses their but the only other place I was able to see driving by was Sonic.
I did not know that the key to good yields is to keep the soil airy and free from compaction.
2) Transient in Paradise by Aimee Liu
This chapter was about how at a first glance at Beverly Hills it seems like a dream of desire and paradise but it transforms hunger into ambition, envy, lust, and greed. Everything is contrary to that first glance; it is more of a fear. Aimee goes into detail about how Beverly Hills is not paradise and that it is transient. No matter how impressive an up front Beverly Hills puts on, the truth lies within the hands of the beholder. All one needs to do is look hard enough to see that there life is no better than a poor or homeless person and then she gives examples of it. Then while she is listening to the rich talking while at a funeral it remind her of a man named Richard. Richard was homeless and he would station his wheelchair in front of Nate ‘n’ Al’s and she would converse with him because of the book he would read. He had a disease that was shrinking him and when he died Aimee found out by reading an article in Los Angles Times that he was once an aspiring screenwriter but lack of family and his disease distorted his fate.
My favorite sentence was desire is merely the version that says, I want and am taking mine- and better me or us than them or you. While the inverse, better him or her or them than us, is simple code for fear. (33)
While reading this chapter it made me think of how the world actually is not what people make it out to be. On the outside some make want others to believe that everything is peaches and cream but deep down inside and behind the curtain it is a whole different ball game. Everyone has fears but most would rather hide them than show or face them.
I did not realize that there were homeless people in Beverly Hills, I imagine that since it so high classed that they had some kind of security not allowing them to be around there.
3) Showing of the Owens by T. Jefferson Parker
Parker is telling a story about how he had a chance to show off California’s Lower Owens River to novelist Brian Wiprud. While he was driving near by there was a place were you could catch wild rainbow trout, Parker mentioned to Brian since he recently returned from a fly-fishing tour of the Amazon River. Then Parker tells about the topic of fly-fishing and how it’s like a progressive disease once you start you can’t stop. Around this time Brian notices that he has a rash on his hand. Parker then talks about the sky and how it looks. By dark Brian caught nine fish and Parker only had caught two. This is a story about a fishing trip with a friend and the good memories he had while at this river.
I like the paragraph where Parker is describing fly-fishing. (39)
While reading this chapter it made me think of how I would like to take my family on trip so that they can have good memories to share with their friends and family when they get older. Also that I have never been fishing and that I must be missing out on something pretty interesting.
I learned a little about fly-fishing and how one can get addicted to it. Also that there was a movie made about it, A River Runs Through It.
4) The Distant Cataract About Which We Do Not Speak by Mary Mackey
Mary Mackey is telling a story about when she would sneak up on the ducks in the Folsom dam and she wonders how she is able to get so close to them without them noticing that she was not one of them. Then she mentions how she got startled by a beaver on one of her trips returning back to island. The American River is a place where her and her husband likes to go where they can fanaticize about relaxing places. Also that it is a place were millions of people go of different cultures to enjoy it as well as they do.
I like the sentence “That THING is definitely not a duck!”(46) Reading this made me laugh.
While reading this chapter it made me think of my family’s little trips to the rivers in the summer and how they enjoy it and how their imaginations probably run wild while they are playing and having fun. I wonder what they imagine when they are there in the water playing, laughing, and having a great time.
I learned that the American River Parkway runs through the heart of the city from Folsom Lake to the point where the American River joins the Sacramento. It is amazing to see how the rivers and lake are all somehow connected.
The similarities between these stories are that they are all trips in California, these are trips people took who want to tell about there good memories, and tell a little about experiences they had and give one an idea of about who they are and what California is about. They are all about the outdoors. The differences are these trips all take place in different cities and towns.
Class Reviews
1) Catherine- The California Poppy, our state wildflower is tied to Fort Ross.
2) Kayla- One of Clarks most famous work is known to be the Lucy Stem Complex from 1932 which brings California Spanish artwork alive.
3) Araceli- The name Napa was given to the valley by the Wappo Indians who first inhabited the area.
4) Erin- The Coast Miwok's are most famous for their basketry.
5) Jessica- Face book got its name from a colloquil name of books that was given at the start of an academic year.
6) Kyle- Phones were never meant to be considered mass media but with the invention of cell phones equipped with internet connection which is mass medium, the medium is connected to the mass media.
7) Raquel – The Modoc used to live near the California – Oregon border.
8) Valerie- She visited the Pomo reservation near Fort Bragg and thought it was not the nicest place.
9) Sofia- On September 20, 1965, it was announced that Armstrong was going to be Command Pilot in Gemini 8, which was a manned spaceflight in NASA's Gemini program.
10) Alex- Over a period of 54 years, 21 California mission were established by the Spanish.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Week 8
Latin American Independence
The Latin American Independence (1807-1824), is a political and military movement that ended colonial rule by Spain and Portugal over Mexico, Central America, and South America and gave birth to the modern independent nations of Latin America. When the independence movement began in the 19th century it contained two colonial empires, the Spanish and the Portuguese. Spain’s colonies stretched from what is now the western United States and Mexico to Argentina, while Portugal’s empire was in Brazil. Under the system of colonialism, these territories were subject to extensive and complex networks of control by Spain and Portugal. Both empires functioned well for three centuries until the mid-1700s when grievances developed with the colonist, who complained about economic restrictions and tax burdens. The colonist also resented European-born residents that were favored for important bureaucratic and administrative positions.
I choose this topic because I have always wanted to learn more about how the Latin American became independent. I have heard bits and pieces of it but it really never stuck to me, so I decided to research it myself and The Age of Enlightment explains a big part of it. The three facts of are:
1) The Age of Enlightment is a term used to describe the trends in Europe and the American colonies during the 18th century prior to the French Revolution (1789-1799). This phrase was used because the people were convinced that they were emerging from centuries of darkness and ignorance into a new age enlightened by reason, science, and a respect for humanity. This period is also often referred to as the Age of Reason.
2) The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the French Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen, and the Polish-Lithuanian Constitution of May 3, 1791 was motivated by the Enlightment principles.
3) The single most influential and representative of the French writers was Voltaire. Though it was in Paris that Denis Diderot, the author of numerous philosophical tracts, began the publication of the Encyclopédie (1751-1772). This work, on which numerous philosophes collaborated, was intended both as a compendium of all knowledge and as a polemical weapon, presenting the positions of the Enlightenment and attacking its opponents. Philosophes was a group that promoted the advancement of science and supported the new tolerance of open-mindedness of the Enlightment.
I choose these sources because for one the encyclopedia usually is reliable and for the others because most of the information I read were similar, so I decided to trust it.
Class Reviews:
1) Antonio said what attracted him to his museum was the health exhibition and that was the first place he went.
2) Daniel said what caught his eye was the Spider Silk Golden Cloth Exhibit. An item that took 4 years, over 80 people, and one million Madagascar spiders to create.
3) Sophia said that the location that attracted her was That Men Seldom Make Passes at Women With Glasses. It is a ten by fifteen foot mural of Marilyn Monroe with two collages/sunglasses with silvery blue-green frames. The sunglasses are composed of images of football players.
4) Dinlaka said what caught her eye was a photo of a lynched man being hung from a tree.
5) Catherine said that she chose her museum because she loves learning about plants and am interested in sustainable agriculture.
6) Judy said that one piece that she liked from this museum was an oil on canvas piece called Report from Rockport by Stuart Davis. This was one of Davis’ most important canvases because it was the first in which he utilized his color-space theory.
7) Mario said that he learned a lot about the military and that in the future we will be using machines to seek out the enemies. Also that what caught his was the Laser-Guided Bombs.
8) Valerie said that the one exhibit that attracted her to the museum was the odd architectural/sculpture exhibit called the P wall. Also that she chose this museum because she didn't know very much about modern art, and is interested to see what kind of new perspective she can gain from seeing art made by artists that are not only influenced by ancient art, but today's culture as well.
9) Megan decided to visit her museum because she has always been fascinated by glass art, and the skill and talent that goes into making such beautiful pieces. She wanted to get a better understanding of some of the techniques they use to make their glass, and how they incorporate the vivid colors that I love so much.
10) Kyle was attracted to the Battleship Oregan Exhibit that played an important role in the Spanish American War. It was made in San Francisco and was nicknamed the Bulldog because of its large foaming bow wake the resembled a bone in the teeth of a dog.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Week 6
Part 1- Online Field Trip #2
What is the name of your museum, what does it contain, and why did you choose it?
The name is Museo de Arte de Ponce (MAP). It contains a collection of one of the most respected samples of Western art, spanning from the High Middle Ages to the 19th century. It also has an exhibition of paintings, sculptures. prints, photographs, drawings, and other three-dimensional objects dating from the nineteenth century until the present. This Museum was created to serve the general public by exhibiting, preserving, studying and collecting visual arts of the Western tradition. It encourages a deeper understanding of art, artists, and their context. There objective is to educate their visitors and are founded by the constructivist principle of pedagogical and andragogical level, which states that for education to be effect it should provide experiences both intellectually and actively. It also has an Art Circle Program that provides the opportunity to acquire limited artwork. This Museum is committed in providing awareness of Puerto Rico’s cultural heritage. I chose this museum because of it having the same name as my last name, Ponce. I wanted see what this museum had and what it was about.
What video clips or background websites did you use (be specific)?
This Museum is located in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
Don Luis A. Ferre started the MAP collection in 1957 with hopes of sharing with all Puerto Ricans the important aspects of the European, American and Puerto Rican art history.
Today the Museum houses more than 4,000 paintings, sculptures, and works on paper distributed among 14 galleries.
This museum contains one of the most important pre-Raphaelite collections in the western hemisphere.
What is one specific work in this location that attracted you? Give us the name, and related background info which you must do more research on
The Madonna and Child painting is the work that attracted me in this Museum I picked this because anything that has to do with the children always catches me eye. Especially in this picture because even though it is Madonna she is depicting the Virgin Mary who I have strongly believe in. This is a painting by Italian medieval artist Duccio de Buoninsegna in tempra with gilding on wood panel around the 1300s. It depicts Mary, the mother of Jesus, holding infant Jesus. This painting is sometimes called Stoclet Madonna after its second owners.
Part 2- Reviews
1) Catherines fathers worked with Charles Schulz for over twenty years.
2) Alexa like her museum a lot because it was hands on.
3) Erin favorite piece was the Legion of Honor is Sailboats on the Seine which was painted by Monet.
4) Christine is a history buff and found the museum that was chosen fascinating.
5) Danille chose the Young Museum to solely focus on de Young.
6) Dinlaka felt there was a lot to learn and appreciate from Asian culture.
7) Jared hand lot of fun with the hands on exhibition in the Exploratorium in San Francisco.
8) Jessica never heard of the Hearst Castle and neither have I.
9) Mario said that the Virgin de Guadalupe caught his attention and that Our Lady of Guadalupe is generally recognized to be a symbol of all Catholic Mexicans that why he chose this image to give hope to the world.
10) Kayla learned about earthquakes and how they affect big buildings in San Francisco.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Week 5
Part 1
1. What is the name of your museum, what does it contain, and why did you choose it?
The museum that I viewed was “The Lace Museum and Guild.” It is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1981. Its mission is to preserve lace and the art of lace making, to exhibit lace and its historical use and to offer lace making classes. The exhibit features many different styles of tape lace. The Battenberg is perhaps the most famous. The Guild is comprised of people who make, study, and collect all kinds of lace. I picked this museum because I have always heard of museums of art, photos, animals, sculptures, and so on but I never knew that there was a lace museum. It caught my attention because I wanted to see what a museum of lace would actually have to present and show. I also never knew there is so many different types of lace.
2. What video clips or background websites did you use (be specific)?
3. What did you learn from the background info (3 facts)?
What I learned is that this museum is staffed entirely by volunteers. The lace Guild is the largest organization for lace makers in British Isles. They aim on providing information about lace making, its history, promote its use, and encourage design. They do this through their magazine “Lace “. The Lace Guild also has the most comprehensive lace library in the world and it has been recognized by the award of registered museum status.
4. What is one specific work in this location that attracted you? Give us the name, and related background info which you must do more research on
The one piece of work that attracted me was while I was doing searching the museum it mentioned that the Battenberg lace was perhaps one of the most famous. Given that their was no picture, I decided to looked it up and found some pictures of what it looks like to see why it is famous. It comes in various forms such as dresses, shirts, wedding dresses, trimmings, tablecloths and much more. Battenberg lace is a style of renaissance lace on a satin background, usually trimmed with beads, sequins or linen tape to form a clean scalloped edge. It is the most simplest and has the least amount of hand work fillings. It can come solid or with a small open area down the center. This handwork dates back to the 16th century. This lace tapes work has developed two brand new techniques Battenberg Cutwork and Battenberg Patchwork. Cutwork is an old time favorite blend of hand and machine work. The Patchwork was created with quilters in mind. It is a quilting technique that combines contemporary quick fuse patches with traditional lace tapes to make one-of-a-kind projects.
Part 2
1. Alexa thinks Freire life is very interesting.
2. Araceli posted a very interesting picture of Paulo.
3. Catherine, I liked the way she summarized Paulo’s concepts of his overall theories.
4. Christnies intro of Freire was very well organized.
5. Danielle thought that Freire's most important idea was that of a "teacher who learns and a learner who teaches".
6. Dinlaka, by reading her intro about Freire I learned that he taught 300 farm workers how to read and write in 45 days.
7. Erin explained the pedagogy of the oppressed in an understanding way.
8. Judy found it interesting for Freire to compare education to a democracy.
9. Kayla said that Freire was imprisoned for 70 days.
10. Kimmie believes that Freires approach of changing the system of education can make a notable difference of all humanity being given an opportunity to learn in a positive environment.