Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 5

Part 1

1. What is the name of your museum, what does it contain, and why did you choose it?

The museum that I viewed was “The Lace Museum and Guild.” It is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1981. Its mission is to preserve lace and the art of lace making, to exhibit lace and its historical use and to offer lace making classes. The exhibit features many different styles of tape lace. The Battenberg is perhaps the most famous. The Guild is comprised of people who make, study, and collect all kinds of lace. I picked this museum because I have always heard of museums of art, photos, animals, sculptures, and so on but I never knew that there was a lace museum. It caught my attention because I wanted to see what a museum of lace would actually have to present and show. I also never knew there is so many different types of lace.

2. What video clips or background websites did you use (be specific)?*:IE-Address&rlz=1I7AMSA&resnum=0&q=what+is+battenburg+lace%3F&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=3sy2SpTUEJPqsQOPnoTSDA&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4

3. What did you learn from the background info (3 facts)?

What I learned is that this museum is staffed entirely by volunteers. The lace Guild is the largest organization for lace makers in British Isles. They aim on providing information about lace making, its history, promote its use, and encourage design. They do this through their magazine “Lace “. The Lace Guild also has the most comprehensive lace library in the world and it has been recognized by the award of registered museum status.

4. What is one specific work in this location that attracted you? Give us the name, and related background info which you must do more research on

The one piece of work that attracted me was while I was doing searching the museum it mentioned that the Battenberg lace was perhaps one of the most famous. Given that their was no picture, I decided to looked it up and found some pictures of what it looks like to see why it is famous. It comes in various forms such as dresses, shirts, wedding dresses, trimmings, tablecloths and much more. Battenberg lace is a style of renaissance lace on a satin background, usually trimmed with beads, sequins or linen tape to form a clean scalloped edge. It is the most simplest and has the least amount of hand work fillings. It can come solid or with a small open area down the center. This handwork dates back to the 16th century. This lace tapes work has developed two brand new techniques Battenberg Cutwork and Battenberg Patchwork. Cutwork is an old time favorite blend of hand and machine work. The Patchwork was created with quilters in mind. It is a quilting technique that combines contemporary quick fuse patches with traditional lace tapes to make one-of-a-kind projects.

Part 2

1. Alexa thinks Freire life is very interesting.

2. Araceli posted a very interesting picture of Paulo.

3. Catherine, I liked the way she summarized Paulo’s concepts of his overall theories.

4. Christnies intro of Freire was very well organized.

5. Danielle thought that Freire's most important idea was that of a "teacher who learns and a learner who teaches".

6. Dinlaka, by reading her intro about Freire I learned that he taught 300 farm workers how to read and write in 45 days.

7. Erin explained the pedagogy of the oppressed in an understanding way.

8. Judy found it interesting for Freire to compare education to a democracy.

9. Kayla said that Freire was imprisoned for 70 days.

10. Kimmie believes that Freires approach of changing the system of education can make a notable difference of all humanity being given an opportunity to learn in a positive environment.

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