Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week 6

Part 1- Online Field Trip #2

What is the name of your museum, what does it contain, and why did you choose it?

The name is Museo de Arte de Ponce (MAP). It contains a collection of one of the most respected samples of Western art, spanning from the High Middle Ages to the 19th century. It also has an exhibition of paintings, sculptures. prints, photographs, drawings, and other three-dimensional objects dating from the nineteenth century until the present. This Museum was created to serve the general public by exhibiting, preserving, studying and collecting visual arts of the Western tradition. It encourages a deeper understanding of art, artists, and their context. There objective is to educate their visitors and are founded by the constructivist principle of pedagogical and andragogical level, which states that for education to be effect it should provide experiences both intellectually and actively. It also has an Art Circle Program that provides the opportunity to acquire limited artwork. This Museum is committed in providing awareness of Puerto Rico’s cultural heritage. I chose this museum because of it having the same name as my last name, Ponce. I wanted see what this museum had and what it was about.

What video clips or background websites did you use (be specific)?

What did you learn from the background info (3 facts)?

This Museum is located in Ponce, Puerto Rico.

Don Luis A. Ferre started the MAP collection in 1957 with hopes of sharing with all Puerto Ricans the important aspects of the European, American and Puerto Rican art history.

Today the Museum houses more than 4,000 paintings, sculptures, and works on paper distributed among 14 galleries.

This museum contains one of the most important pre-Raphaelite collections in the western hemisphere.

What is one specific work in this location that attracted you? Give us the name, and related background info which you must do more research on

The Madonna and Child painting is the work that attracted me in this Museum I picked this because anything that has to do with the children always catches me eye. Especially in this picture because even though it is Madonna she is depicting the Virgin Mary who I have strongly believe in. This is a painting by Italian medieval artist Duccio de Buoninsegna in tempra with gilding on wood panel around the 1300s. It depicts Mary, the mother of Jesus, holding infant Jesus. This painting is sometimes called Stoclet Madonna after its second owners.

Part 2- Reviews

1) Catherines fathers worked with Charles Schulz for over twenty years.

2) Alexa like her museum a lot because it was hands on.

3) Erin favorite piece was the Legion of Honor is Sailboats on the Seine which was painted by Monet.

4) Christine is a history buff and found the museum that was chosen fascinating.

5) Danille chose the Young Museum to solely focus on de Young.

6) Dinlaka felt there was a lot to learn and appreciate from Asian culture.

7) Jared hand lot of fun with the hands on exhibition in the Exploratorium in San Francisco.

8) Jessica never heard of the Hearst Castle and neither have I.

9) Mario said that the Virgin de Guadalupe caught his attention and that Our Lady of Guadalupe is generally recognized to be a symbol of all Catholic Mexicans that why he chose this image to give hope to the world.

10) Kayla learned about earthquakes and how they affect big buildings in San Francisco.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Week 5

Part 1

1. What is the name of your museum, what does it contain, and why did you choose it?

The museum that I viewed was “The Lace Museum and Guild.” It is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1981. Its mission is to preserve lace and the art of lace making, to exhibit lace and its historical use and to offer lace making classes. The exhibit features many different styles of tape lace. The Battenberg is perhaps the most famous. The Guild is comprised of people who make, study, and collect all kinds of lace. I picked this museum because I have always heard of museums of art, photos, animals, sculptures, and so on but I never knew that there was a lace museum. It caught my attention because I wanted to see what a museum of lace would actually have to present and show. I also never knew there is so many different types of lace.

2. What video clips or background websites did you use (be specific)?*:IE-Address&rlz=1I7AMSA&resnum=0&q=what+is+battenburg+lace%3F&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=3sy2SpTUEJPqsQOPnoTSDA&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4

3. What did you learn from the background info (3 facts)?

What I learned is that this museum is staffed entirely by volunteers. The lace Guild is the largest organization for lace makers in British Isles. They aim on providing information about lace making, its history, promote its use, and encourage design. They do this through their magazine “Lace “. The Lace Guild also has the most comprehensive lace library in the world and it has been recognized by the award of registered museum status.

4. What is one specific work in this location that attracted you? Give us the name, and related background info which you must do more research on

The one piece of work that attracted me was while I was doing searching the museum it mentioned that the Battenberg lace was perhaps one of the most famous. Given that their was no picture, I decided to looked it up and found some pictures of what it looks like to see why it is famous. It comes in various forms such as dresses, shirts, wedding dresses, trimmings, tablecloths and much more. Battenberg lace is a style of renaissance lace on a satin background, usually trimmed with beads, sequins or linen tape to form a clean scalloped edge. It is the most simplest and has the least amount of hand work fillings. It can come solid or with a small open area down the center. This handwork dates back to the 16th century. This lace tapes work has developed two brand new techniques Battenberg Cutwork and Battenberg Patchwork. Cutwork is an old time favorite blend of hand and machine work. The Patchwork was created with quilters in mind. It is a quilting technique that combines contemporary quick fuse patches with traditional lace tapes to make one-of-a-kind projects.

Part 2

1. Alexa thinks Freire life is very interesting.

2. Araceli posted a very interesting picture of Paulo.

3. Catherine, I liked the way she summarized Paulo’s concepts of his overall theories.

4. Christnies intro of Freire was very well organized.

5. Danielle thought that Freire's most important idea was that of a "teacher who learns and a learner who teaches".

6. Dinlaka, by reading her intro about Freire I learned that he taught 300 farm workers how to read and write in 45 days.

7. Erin explained the pedagogy of the oppressed in an understanding way.

8. Judy found it interesting for Freire to compare education to a democracy.

9. Kayla said that Freire was imprisoned for 70 days.

10. Kimmie believes that Freires approach of changing the system of education can make a notable difference of all humanity being given an opportunity to learn in a positive environment.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Week 4

Part 1
Paulo Freire

Paulo Freire was a Brazilian educator and influential theorist of critical pedagogy. Freire was born September 19, 1921 in Recife, Brazil and passed away May 2, 1997 from a heart attack. Freire became familiar with the 1928 Great Depression which help shaped his concerns for the poor and helped construct his particular educational viewpoint. In 1943 he enrolled in Law School at University of Recife. He also studied philosophy, phenomenology, and psychology and became a teacher in secondary schools teaching Portuguese. In 1946, he was appointed Director of the Department of Education and Culture of the Social Service in the State of Pernambuco. Here he worked primarily with the illiterate poor to improve their learning, training, and education.

Freire became the icon of social change throughout education. He was the original person to establish the tradition of popular education in Latin America and has been disseminating the pedagogy of the oppressed to the world since his book was published in 1972. In this book as well as other he argues the system of education and emphasizes learning as a culture, freedom, and for it to be a dialogical pedagogy designed to raise individuals' consciousness of oppression and to in turn transform oppressive social structures through praxis.

Though exiled from his native country, Brazil, during a military coup in 1964 for his educational work among the rural poor, he still continued his "pedagogy of the oppressed" in Chile, and later under the auspices of the World Council of Churches in Geneva and then throughout the world. In 1969, he taught at Harvard University and ten years later returned to his own country under a political amnesty. In 1988 he was also appointed Minister of Education for the City of Sao Paulo, a position which made him responsible for guiding school reform throughout the nation's schools.


Part 2
1. Alex learned that America is not the only country facing high unemployment.
2. Vannessa trust her gut just like Oprah does and it has always been right and that what makes her the person she is today.
3. Erin learned from Obama’s speech that the tensions between the American people and Muslims are a result of colonialism.
4. Sophia felt that Oprah’s video was very inspirational and realized that it could have a big impact on her own life.
5. Megan felt that in Oprah’s video that the most striking story for her was the flesh eating disease story.
6. Mario felt that the most striking story Oprah gave was the one of Monica George. The lady who gave birth and developed a bacterial disease and had to get her limbs amputated. I found this story very inspiring as well.
7. Kayla did not know how smart the Islam’s were in the way of how they created compasses and math that we use today.
8. Laurel learned that Morocco was the first nation to accept the United States as a country.
9. Raquel hopes that Obama’s speech will become a historical moment that will start a long road to peace and harmony between all citizens in the world.
10. Alexa learned that Muslims helped invent medicine.